Take part in MPM...

Here's how you can support "Miles Pike Music", a 501(c)(3) ministry, by donating toward his future CD project, "Walk Through The Pages"

Bronze Club
  • $10 - A free digital download of the album, when it's released.
  • $25 - An advance copy of the CD, weeks before the masses.
  • $50 - An advance copy and a "Thank You" on the CD.
  • $100 - All the above, plus autographed copies of all my current projects, and an autographed picture of me that is guaranteed to keep varmints out of your garden
  • $250 - All the above, plus a signed tracking sheet of my past #1 song, "Jesus Savior, Pilot Me" and another tracking sheet of your choice when the project is finished. PLUS an optional picture of me kissing your cheek.

Silver Club
  • $500 - All of the above, PLUS, I dedicate a song to you on my CD.
  • $750 - Exactly like the previous level, but you give me more money.
  • $1,000 - All of the above and you are mentioned as an executive producer of the album!

Gold Club

  • $2,500 - My wife and I come and spend the weekend with you. Cook your meals, make your beds, scrub the toilet, play with the kids, build a chicken coop, sit around the piano and sing, talk politics, or just visit. You have our full attention.
  • $5,000 - I will come and do a concert for you...ANYWHERE. Invite your friends, treat your church to a special event, have me sing on the hearth in your living room to just you, just bring me out and I sing. Period. Theoretically, this level is a smart choice economically. You could charge your guests and make your money back.
  • $10,000 - You get to come and sing on my CD. Don't worry if you can't sing. We'll work it out.
  • $100,000 - You get all of the above, PLUS if you ever need a kidney, you can have the bass singer's from The Gospel Tones.
  • $500,000 - ALL of the above, AND...you get...ME! 8AM-5PM... for a month! My wife wants you to take this one.

Contribute HERE

Donate to Miles Pike Music

 Yeah, it's cute and funny, but just HOW serious is it??
EMAIL us with your questions to find out and get started making a difference in other people's lives by ministering to this ministry.